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Total Knee Replacement

Sore Neck

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), commonly known as knee replacement surgery, is a highly effective procedure for individuals suffering from severe knee joint pain and limited mobility. This surgical intervention aims to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve the overall quality of life for patients. In this blog post, we will explore the indications for undergoing TKA, the surgical process involved, and the subsequent rehabilitation journey.

Indications for Total Knee Arthroplasty

Total Knee Arthroplasty is typically recommended when conservative treatments, such as medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications, fail to provide significant relief. Common indications for TKA include:

  • Osteoarthritis: The most prevalent reason for TKA, osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterised by cartilage wear, pain, and inflammation.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: This chronic autoimmune disorder affects the synovial lining of joints, resulting in pain, swelling, and progressive joint damage.
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Individuals with a history of severe knee injuries or fractures that cause joint damage may benefit from TKA.
  • Other Conditions: TKA may also be considered for individuals with avascular necrosis, bone dysplasia, or knee deformities that severely impact daily activities.
The Surgical Process

Total Knee Arthroplasty involves several key steps that enable the reconstruction of the damaged knee joint:

  • Preoperative Evaluation: Before surgery, a thorough assessment, including medical history, physical examination, and imaging studies (X-rays, MRI, etc.), is conducted to evaluate the knee joint’s condition and determine the suitability for TKA.
  • Anaesthesia: Most TKAs are performed under general anaesthesia, ensuring that the patient is comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.
  • Incision and Exposure: An incision is made over the knee joint, allowing the surgeon to access the affected area. The damaged joint surfaces, including the diseased cartilage and bone, are carefully removed.
  • Implant Placement: The surgeon prepares the remaining bone surfaces for the artificial components. These components, including metal and plastic implants, are meticulously placed to restore joint function and stability.
  • Wound Closure: Once the implants are securely in place, the incision is closed using sutures or staples, and a sterile dressing is applied.
The Role of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the postoperative recovery process following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). The main goals of physiotherapy after surgery are to restore knee range of motion, strengthen the surrounding muscles, improve overall joint function, and help patients regain mobility and independence. Here are some key aspects of physiotherapy treatment after TKA:

  • Early Mobilisation: Soon after surgery, physiotherapy begins with gentle mobilisation exercises to promote circulation, prevent complications like blood clots, and encourage early healing. These exercises may include ankle pumps, quadriceps sets (tightening of thigh muscles), and passive knee range of motion exercises guided by the therapist.
  • Pain Management: Controlling pain is an essential part of the rehabilitation process. The physiotherapist may utilise various techniques such as cold therapy and manual techniques to help manage postoperative pain and swelling. 
  • Range of Motion Exercises: Restoring the knee’s range of motion is a primary focus of physiotherapy. The therapist will guide patients through specific exercises to gradually increase flexion and extension of the knee joint. These exercises may include heel slides, wall slides, and gentle stretching techniques.
  • Muscle Strengthening: Strengthening exercises are crucial for regaining stability and supporting the new knee joint. The physiotherapist will design a customised strengthening program targeting the muscles around the knee, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. These exercises may involve leg presses, step-ups, and resistance band exercises. As strength improves, more advanced exercises, such as squats and lunges, may be introduced.
  • Balance and Proprioception Training: Restoring balance and proprioception (joint position sense) are vital for enhancing stability and reducing the risk of falls. The physiotherapist will incorporate exercises that challenge balance, such as standing on one leg, using balance boards or unstable surfaces, and proprioceptive exercises to improve joint awareness.
  • Gait Training: Walking properly is a significant aspect of rehabilitation after TKA. The physiotherapist will work with patients to correct any abnormal gait patterns and establish a normal walking pattern. They may utilise assistive devices like crutches or walkers initially and then gradually transition to walking without aids.
  • Functional Training: As the rehabilitation progresses, the physiotherapist will focus on functional activities that mimic daily tasks and recreational activities. These may include stair climbing, getting in and out of a chair, getting in and out of a car, and other activities specific to the patient’s lifestyle and goals.
  • Home Exercise Program: To ensure continuity of care, patients are typically prescribed a home exercise program. This program includes exercises and activities that patients can perform independently between physiotherapy sessions. Adhering to the home exercise program is crucial for optimising recovery and maintaining the gains achieved during physiotherapy sessions.
  • Education and Lifestyle Modification: The physiotherapist will provide education on proper joint protection techniques, body mechanics, and modifications to daily activities to minimise stress on the knee joint. They may also offer advice on other lifestyle factors that can positively impact the long-term outcomes of TKA.
  • Gradual Progression: The physiotherapy treatment program is designed to gradually progress in intensity and difficulty as the patient’s strength, range of motion, and overall function improve. The therapist will regularly assess the patient’s progress and modify the exercises and activities accordingly to ensure a safe and effective recovery.
  • Regular Follow-up and Monitoring: Throughout the rehabilitation process, the physiotherapist will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor the patient’s progress, address any concerns or complications, and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. These follow-up visits are crucial for tracking recovery and providing ongoing support and guidance.
  • Patient Education and Self-Management: Physiotherapy also involves educating patients on self-management strategies to maintain their progress after completing formal rehabilitation. This may include advice on long-term exercise routines, pain management techniques, and strategies to prevent future knee problems.

It’s important for patients to actively participate in their physiotherapy treatment, follow the therapist’s instructions, and communicate any concerns or difficulties they may experience during the rehabilitation process. This collaborative approach between the patient and the physiotherapist maximises the chances of successful recovery and long-term outcomes.

In conclusion, physiotherapy plays a vital role in the postoperative rehabilitation of Total Knee Arthroplasty patients. Through a tailored treatment plan that includes early mobilisation, range of motion exercises, muscle strengthening, balance training, gait training, and functional activities, physiotherapy aims to restore function, improve mobility, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals who have undergone TKA. By actively participating in physiotherapy and adhering to the home exercise program, patients can achieve optimal outcomes and enjoy the benefits of a successful knee replacement surgery.

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P: 02 4945 4622


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1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1322


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Suite 1, 342 Lake Rd
Glendale, 2285

P: 02 4954 8738


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1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1622


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