
Helpful resources from the Macquarie Physiotherapy Team

Office Ergonomics

Sore Neck

As promised in Back to the Office Part One, below are some stretches we find helpful to ease the tightness in your muscles, along with a brief background on the muscles they are trying to address.





  • This muscle originates from the:
    • Vertebrae of the upper neck.
  • It travels from there to insert on the:
    • Inside of the shoulder blade.
  • It has a role in moving the shoulder blade upwards.
  • As with the upper trapezius, this is a muscle we find can be particularly tight in people spending a lot of time stuck behind a computer screen. This muscle can refer pain into the:
    • Base of the neck.
    • Top of the shoulder.


The Stretches


Here is a short video of a couple of stretches we find beneficial for these muscles:


If you have suffered an injury or are experiencing pain, please follow up with your doctor or a qualified health professional for an appropriate assessment prior to beginning any type of exercise or treatment program.




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Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
Partner at Macquarie Physiotherapy

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14 Macquarie St
Belmont, 2280

P: 02 4945 4622


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1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1322


Glendale Practice

Suite 1, 342 Lake Rd
Glendale, 2285

P: 02 4954 8738


Exercise Centre

1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1622


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