Core Physiotherapy Newcastle

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Core Physiotherapy and Pilates: A Holistic Approach

At Macquarie Physiotherapy, our Core Physiotherapy and Pilates program is grounded in scientific principles and aims to enhance posture, core stability, balance, control, strength, flexibility, and breathing. With a comprehensive assessment by a physiotherapist or accredited exercise physiologist, each client receives a personalised exercise plan, that is designed per their strengths and weaknesses. 

In our Exercise Centre we also have access to reformer equipment which facilitates targeted exercises that optimise neuromuscular systems and improve functional movements for daily activities, ensuring holistic wellness and long-term benefits.

Core Physiotherapy Services in Newcastle

At Macquarie Physiotherapy in Newcastle, our Core Performance Physiotherapy and Accredited Exercise Physiology Services offer concentrated exercise classes focused on building core strength and flexibility for lifelong wellness. Led by experienced physiotherapists and accredited exercise physiologists, these classes incorporate a blend of mat work and Pilates-style exercises to improve posture and overall health.

Convenient class times are available throughout the week at our Gateshead clinic. Individuals can easily access 60-minute sessions designed to enhance core stability and promote optimal musculoskeletal function.  Join us to strengthen your core and achieve your wellness goals today!

The Role of Expert Physios and Pilates Instructors

At Macquarie Physiotherapy, our expert physiotherapists and accredited exercise physiologists undergo training to assess, treat, and prevent physical impairments, focusing on improving mobility, function, and overall well-being. Additionally, we offer tailored variations like Physio-Pilates or Clinical Pilates, where our physiotherapists integrate Pilates exercises and principles into therapeutic practice.

These tailored approaches support rehabilitation, address specific conditions, and enhance functional outcomes. While Pilates can complement physiotherapy goals, it’s important to consult with our qualified physiotherapists or accredited exercise physiologists for specific conditions or injuries, ensuring appropriate assessment, treatment, and guidance for optimal recovery and wellness.

Understanding Core Stability and Its Significance

Understanding core stability is essential for preventing injuries and optimising performance. The core muscles serve two primary functions: to spare the spine from excessive load and to transfer force between the lower and upper body. By maintaining a strong and stable core, we can protect the spine from injuries caused by excessive bending, twisting, or side-to-side movements. 

Unlike acute injuries from specific incidents, back injuries often result from a history of excessive load with poor mechanics. To safeguard the back, it’s important to create 360 degrees of control around the spine during various activities such as running, jumping, lifting, and transferring force. 

Benefits Beyond Physical Health

Beyond physical health, Pilates and Core Performance Physiotherapy offer a variety of benefits beyond physicality. For mental well-being and the mind-body connection, Pilates serves as a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety through mindfulness and deep breathing exercises. By engaging both the mind and body, Pilates enhances cognitive ability and memory, promoting overall mental functioning. 

We uniquely emphasise the mind-body connection, fostering self-awareness and control. Through focused concentration and physical effort, individuals can experience a profound sense of mindfulness and improved mental clarity. At Macquarie Physiotherapy, we recognise the integral connection between physical and mental health, offering comprehensive Pilates and Core Control Physiotherapy services to support individual wellness in all aspects of life.

Core Physiotherapy for Specific Needs

At Macquarie Physiotherapy, our Core Performance Physiotherapy service addresses diverse needs, including back pain and athletic training, through personalised programs. We integrate biomechanics and anatomy to design effective treatments tailored to each client’s unique requirements, ensuring optimal results and overall well-being.

In the Context of Modern Lifestyles

Modern lifestyles often involve prolonged sitting, sedentary habits, and repetitive movements, leading to core-related issues. At Macquarie Physiotherapy Newcastle, we tackle these challenges through personalised treatments and regular core physio and pilates exercises for all age groups and lifestyles, helping the promotion of your health and well-being.


What is Core Physiotherapy and how does it integrate pilates?

Macquarie Physiotherapy integrates core strength pilates to enhance physical well-being, rehabilitation, and core strength. This combination improves posture, balance, and body awareness, offering comprehensive benefits for individuals seeking optimal health and recovery.

Why is core stability important for overall health?

Core stability is an important aspect of overall health as it spares the spine from excessive load and facilitates the transfer of force between the lower and upper body. A strong, stable core prevents injuries, enabling individuals to function at their best and maintain their musculoskeletal health.

Can Core Control Physiotherapy and Pilates help with specific health issues like back pain?

Yes, incorporating Pilates and physiotherapy exercises for low back pain can significantly alleviate discomfort and promote a healthy, strong, and flexible spine.

Are Core Physiotherapy and Pilates suitable for all ages and fitness levels?

Yes, at Macquarie Physiotherapy, our clinical Pilates program is suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for everyone.

Do you have pain right now?

Whether you have an injury, you’ve just had surgery or you’re suffering from niggling or chronic pain, our physios can help.

Other Services:

Massage Therapy

If you suffer from neck, shoulder, back or leg pain, massage can help. We offer therapeutic massage techniques to relieve tight muscles and stiff joints. Our experienced massage therapists also give practical advice and tips on maintaining good musculo-skeletal health.

Exercise Physiologist

An initial assessment records your medical history, gauges activity level & capacity. We design an exercise program based on your goals. Your Exercise Physiologist will run through the program with you, to make sure your technique is correct. You can continue your program at home or in the gym, and we’ll review your progress. 

Core Physiotherapy

These physiotherapist-run exercise classes focus on strength and flexibility for good posture and life-long wellness. Including mat work and Pilates-style exercises, we have classes throughout the week at various locations. See times here.

Manual Therapy

Our physiotherapists know when to get hands-on and manually manipulate joints and muscles. Mobilisation helps promote the healing process of the affected soft tissues.


Exercising in water provides buoyancy, support and a feeling of being weightless. You can move more freely as you build strength and flexibility. Hydrotherapy sessions are held at Valentine Pool.

Casting & Splints

Depending on the injury, we may need to stabilise or mobilise tissues or joints for them to heal effectively. We also specialise in waterproof casts, custom-made orthotics, taping & bracing.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is used to reduce pain and restore function through the release of myofascial trigger points in muscle.

Rehabilitation Programs

If you’ve suffered an injury or had a surgical procedure, we can design a rehabilitation program to get you back to full strength.

Living Longer Living Stronger Classes

Macquarie Exercise Centre

Tues 11am – Balance & Fall Prevention
Fri 1pm – Strength & Conditioning

 $10/class and $85 for Initial Assessment

These 60 minute classes are open to everyone! Give us a call today so that we can book you in for an appointment.

Core Strength Classes

Gateshead Clinic

Mon 5.30pm, 6.30pm (Men Only)
Wed 10am
Thurs 10am, 4.45pm, 6pm, 7.15pm
Fri 10am

$18/class or 10 for $150

These 60 minute classes focus on core strength and flexibility, including Pilates-style exercises with standing and floor work.

Stretch and Flexibility Classes

Macquarie Exercise Centre

Tuesday 8.30am


These 60 minute classes involve a gentle whole-body stretch in a variety of positions. For anyone wanting to maintain or increase flexibility. Ideal for post-op patients.

Macquarie Exercise Centre

The Exercise Centre has the equipment and the qualified, experienced staff you need to help you to get the best out of every workout.

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Belmont Practice

14 Macquarie St
Belmont, 2280

P: 02 4945 4622


Gateshead Practice

1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1322


Glendale Practice

Suite 1, 342 Lake Rd
Glendale, 2285

P: 02 4954 8738


Exercise Centre

1 Skyline Way
Gateshead, 2290

P: 02 4942 1622


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