The NDIS Explained!

The NDIS Explained!

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?  The NDIS provides support to people with a disability (under the age of 65), their families and carers. The scheme is funded jointly by Australian state and the Federal Governments and was introduced in July...
Knee Injuries

Knee Injuries

Traumatic knee injuries are continuing to increase in Australia!  The most common age range for this type of injury is 15-24 years of age and the average occurrence is 97.6 and 78.8 injuries per 100,000 people for males and females respectively. What is concerning is...
Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

The back is an essential part of all human movement. It is estimated that 70-90% of all Australians will experience low back pain at some point in their life. It can be very debilitating and is the second leading cause of disease burden in Australia. A Brief Anatomy...
What Is Dry Needling?

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is the technique of inserting a fine needle (like an acupuncture needle) into a muscle thought to be responsible for symptoms of pain. It is an adjunct to standard therapy used by clinicians who have been specifically trained in its use. Dry needling has...
What Makes Macquarie Physiotherapy Great

What Makes Macquarie Physiotherapy Great

What Makes Macquarie Physiotherapy Great? Well established practice Having been in business for over 30 years, we have met a lot of people and formed several close working relationships. Being on good terms with various neurosurgeons and orthopaedic specialists means...